Table of contents


Working in 3D is not too difficult once we get familiar with proper tools. Here we shall give a thorough walk-through of the process on a non-trivial example. The hardest part is the kinematics, i.e., describing the positions of the points relative to each other. Once this is done, formulating forces and moments to do equilibrium is a trivial matter with computer support.

We shall here learn to work with a rotated coordinate system.

OA=[30,60,75]Tmm\textrm{OA}={\left\lbrack 30,60,75\right\rbrack }^T \textrm{mm}, LAB=65L_{\textrm{AB}} =65, LBC=50mmL_{\textrm{BC}} =50\textrm{mm}, θ1=35  \theta_1 =35\;^\circ around the local xx-axis at AA and E=(145,40,0)E=\left(145,40,0\right)

Let θ2\theta_2 denote the rotation of the shaft AB\textrm{AB}. In the picture above, the BC\overrightarrow{\textrm{BC}} vector is parallel to the xx-axis, and this is when θ2=0\theta_2 =0^{\circ }.

The center of gravity can be defined using local coordinates as: AG=34x~+51z~\overrightarrow{\textrm{AG}} =34\tilde{x} +51\tilde{z}

Similarly, we can define CD=70x~+40z~\overrightarrow{CD}=70\tilde{\bm x} +40\tilde{\bm z} using local coordinates. See below for the definition of the local coordinates.

Given the spring constant of k=0.1k=0.1 N/mm and the unloaded spring length of L0=120L_0 =120 mm:

Modeling - Kinematics

We are going to work with vectors to define the path from OO to DD and GG as a function of the rotation angle θ\theta. To do this with our sanity in tact, we will introduce local coordinates and rotate these using rotation matrices.

Rx(θ)=[1000cosθsinθ0sinθcosθ]R_x \left(\theta \right)=\left\lbrack \begin{array}{ccc} 1 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & \cos \theta & -\sin \theta \\ 0 & \sin \theta & \cos \theta \end{array}\right\rbrack Ry(θ)=[cosθ0sinθ010sinθ0cosθ]R_y \left(\theta \right)=\left\lbrack \begin{array}{ccc} \cos \theta & 0 & \sin \theta \\ 0 & 1 & 0\\ -\sin \theta & 0 & \cos \theta \end{array}\right\rbrack Rz(θ)=[cosθsinθ0sinθcosθ0001]R_z \left(\theta \right)=\left\lbrack \begin{array}{ccc} \cos \theta & -\sin \theta & 0\\ \sin \theta & \cos \theta & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{array}\right\rbrack

We shall introduce the local vectors x~,y~\tilde{\bm x} ,\tilde{\bm y} and z~\tilde{\bm z} and always let z~\tilde{\bm z} point in the direction of the path.

We start by getting to point AA using the vector OA\overrightarrow{OA}. From here we need to establish the direction of the shaft axis, which we can do by rotating the z\bm z vector around the xx-axis by θ1{-\theta }_1 degrees (using the right hand rule).

This gives our eAB\bm e_{AB} direction.

eAB=z~=Rx(θ1)  ez\bm e_{AB} =\tilde{\bm z} ={\bm R}_x \left(\theta_1 \right)\;{\bm e}_z
ez = [0;0;1];
R_x = @(a) [1 0         0
            0 cosd(a)  -sind(a)
            0 sind(a)   cosd(a)];

R_y = @(a) [cosd(a)  0  sind(a)
            0        1  0
            -sind(a) 0  cosd(a)];

R_z = @(a) [cosd(a)  -sind(a)  0
            sind(a)   cosd(a)  0
            0         0        1];

theta1 = 35; theta2 = 30;
eAB = R_x(-theta1)*ez
eAB = 3x1    
⚠ Note
Note that we rotate θ1-\theta_1 due to the right hand rule, i.e., put the thumb in the direction of xx and the fingers will point in the positive direction of rotation.

The shaft AB\textrm{AB} needs to rotate around its axis, or the z~axis\tilde{z} -\textrm{axis}. The rotation can be achieved by rotating around the global axis, x,y  x,y\;and zz. From the initial configuration, see below, where the shaft axis is aligned with the zz-axis and BC\overrightarrow{BC} oriented towards the xx-axis. To get the correct rotation of the shaft, we need to first rotate around the zz-axis and then around the xx-axis.

1: First we rotate around the zz axis.

2: Then we rotate around the xx axis.

Mathematically, this is the same as rotating our coordinate system by

X~=[x~,y~,z~]=Rx(θ1)Rz(θ2)I\tilde{\bm X} =\left\lbrack \tilde{\bm x} ,\tilde{\bm y} ,\tilde{\bm z} \right\rbrack ={\bm R}_x \left(-\theta_1 \right){\bm R}_z \left(\theta_2 \right)\bm I

where I\bm I is the identity matrix containing the Cartesian bases, i.e.,

[ex,ey,ez]=[100010001]\left\lbrack {\bm e}_x ,{\bm e}_y ,{\bm e}_z \right\rbrack =\left\lbrack \begin{array}{ccc} 1 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{array}\right\rbrack


Let us verify this by setting θ1=0  \theta_1 =0\;and θ2=0\theta_2 =0, we expect X~=I\tilde{\bm X} =\bm I

theta1 = 0; theta2 = 0;
X = R_x(theta1)*R_z(theta2)*eye(3)
X = 3x3    
     1     0     0
     0     1     0
     0     0     1

Now we can set θ2=90\theta_2 =90 and we should have that x~=[0  1  0]T\tilde{\bm x} ={\left\lbrack 0\;1\;0\right\rbrack }^T

theta1 = 0; theta2 = 90;
X = R_x(theta1)*R_z(theta2)*eye(3)
X = 3x3    
     0    -1     0
     1     0     0
     0     0     1

We can confirm this and also see that y~=[1  0  0]T\tilde{\bm y} ={\left\lbrack -1\;0\;0\right\rbrack }^T as it should.

Now we can rotate around the xaxisx-\textrm{axis} by θ1=90\theta_1 =-90, we should get z~=[0  1  0]T\tilde{z} ={\left\lbrack 0\;1\;0\right\rbrack }^T

theta1 = -90; theta2 = 90;
X = R_x(theta1)*R_z(theta2)*eye(3)
X = 3x3    
     0    -1     0
     0     0     1
    -1     0     0

We can confirm that the new coordinates point in the expected directions.

Thus have confirmed that the rotation makes sense, we have built confidence in our model and can set the rotation to solve our problem:

theta1 = -35; theta2 = 0;
X = R_x(theta1)*R_z(theta2)*eye(3)
X = 3x3    
    1.0000         0         0
         0    0.8192    0.5736
         0   -0.5736    0.8192
eex = X(:,1); eey = X(:,2); eez = X(:,3);

Now we can easily model the rest of the points.

AB=LABz~BC=LBCx~CD=70x~+40z~AG=34x~+51z~DE=OEOD\begin{array}{l} \overrightarrow{\textrm{AB} } =L_{\textrm{AB} } \tilde{\bm z} \\ \overrightarrow{\textrm{BC} } =L_{\textrm{BC} } \tilde{\bm x} \\ \overrightarrow{\textrm{CD} } =70\tilde{\bm x} +40\tilde{\bm z} \\ \overrightarrow{\textrm{AG} } =34\tilde{\bm x} +51\tilde{\bm z} \\ \overrightarrow{\textrm{DE} } = \overrightarrow{\textrm{OE} }- \overrightarrow{\textrm{OD} } \end{array}


We do a final verification of the kinematics by visualizing the geometry in Matlab:

OA = [30, 60, 75]';    % mm
OE = [175, 105, 15]';  % mm
L_AB = 65;             % mm
L_BC = 50;             % mm
k = 0.2;               % N/mm
L0 = 120;              % mm
theta1 = 35;           % deg
theta2 = 26;           % deg

X = R_x(-theta1)*R_z(theta2)*eye(3);
eex = X(:,1); eey = X(:,2); eez = X(:,3);

AB = eez*L_AB;
BC = eex*L_BC;
CD = eex*70 + eez*40;

OD = OA + AB + BC + CD;
AD = OD - OA;
DE = OE - OD;

AG = 34*eex + 51*eez;
OG = OA + AG;

% Visualization
close all
axis equal; hold on;
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');

hp1 = plot3([OA(1), OB(1)], ...
            [OA(2), OB(2)], ...
            [OA(3), OB(3)], '-k', 'LineWidth',2);
htA = text(OA(1), OA(2), OA(3), 'A');
htB = text(OB(1), OB(2), OB(3), 'B');

hp2 = plot3([OB(1), OC(1)], ...
            [OB(2), OC(2)], ...
            [OB(3), OC(3)], '-k', 'LineWidth',2);
htC = text(OC(1), OC(2), OC(3), 'C');

hp3 = plot3([OC(1), OD(1)], ...
            [OC(2), OD(2)], ...
            [OC(3), OD(3)], '-k', 'LineWidth',2);
htD = text(OD(1), OD(2), OD(3), 'D');

hp4 = plot3([OD(1), OE(1)], ...
            [OD(2), OE(2)], ...
            [OD(3), OE(3)], '-m', 'LineWidth',2);
htE = text(OE(1), OE(2), OE(3), 'E');

hp5 = plot3(OG(1), OG(2), OG(3), 'ok', 'MarkerFaceColor','k');


grid on
axis([0,200, -100, 250, 0, 250])
view(-69, 35)
view(40, 32)
htitel = title(sprintf('$\\theta=%d^\\circ$',theta2),'interpreter','latex');

% Animation below

% exportgraphics(gca,"shaft3D.gif","Append",false)
% Az = [52, 80];
% El = [44, 74];
% view(52,44)
% Theta = [-90:1:90, 89:-1:-90];
% c = 1;
% for theta2 = Theta
%     t = c/length(Theta);
%     az = Az(1) + t*(Az(2)-Az(1));
%     el = El(1) + t*(El(2)-El(1));
%     view(az,el)
%     X = R_x(-theta1)*R_z(theta2)*eye(3);
%     eex = X(:,1); eey = X(:,2); eez = X(:,3);
%     AB = eez*L_AB;
%     BC = eex*L_BC;
%     CD = eex*70 + eez*40;
%     OD = OA + AB + BC + CD;
%     OB = OA+AB;
%     OC = OB+BC;
%     AD = OD - OA;
%     DE = OE - OD;
%     AG = 34*eex + 51*eez;
%     OG = OA + AG;
%     set(hp1, 'XData', [OA(1), OB(1)], ...
%              'YData', [OA(2), OB(2)], ...
%              'ZData', [OA(3), OB(3)]);
%     set(hp2, 'XData', [OB(1), OC(1)], ...
%              'YData', [OB(2), OC(2)], ...
%              'ZData', [OB(3), OC(3)])
%     set(hp3, 'XData', [OC(1), OD(1)], ...
%              'YData', [OC(2), OD(2)], ...
%              'ZData', [OC(3), OD(3)])
%     set(hp4, 'XData', [OD(1), OE(1)], ...
%              'YData', [OD(2), OE(2)], ...
%              'ZData', [OD(3), OE(3)])
%     set(hp5, 'XData', OG(1), 'YData', OG(2), 'ZData', OG(3))
%     set(htA, 'Position', [OA(1),OA(2), OA(3)])
%     set(htB, 'Position', [OB(1),OB(2), OB(3)])
%     set(htC, 'Position', [OC(1),OC(2), OC(3)])
%     set(htD, 'Position', [OD(1),OD(2), OD(3)])
%     set(htE, 'Position', [OE(1),OE(2), OE(3)])
%     set(htitel,'String', sprintf('$\\theta=%d^\\circ$',theta2))
%     drawnow
%     c = c+1;
%     exportgraphics(gca,"shaft3D.gif","Append",true)
% end

The spring force is modeled using

L=DE,eDE=DEL,L0=120mmL=|\overrightarrow{\textrm{DE} } |,{\bm e}_{\textrm{DE} } =\dfrac{\overrightarrow{\textrm{DE} } }{L},L_0 =120\textrm{mm} F=k(LL0)  and  F=F  eDEF=k\left(L-L_0 \right)\;\textrm{and}\;\bm F=F\;{\bm e}_{\textrm{DE} }

The moment at AA is the given by

MA=AD×F+AG×W{\bm M}_A =\overrightarrow{\textrm{AD} } \times \bm F+\overrightarrow{\textrm{AG} } \times \bm W

where W=[0,0,m  g]T\bm W={\left\lbrack 0,0,-m\;g\right\rbrack }^T where m=150  m=150\;g, and

AD=ODOA\overrightarrow{\textrm{AD} } =\overrightarrow{\textrm{OD} } -\overrightarrow{\textrm{OA} }

Finally the moment around the axis is given by

MAB=MAz~M_{\textrm{AB} } ={\bm M}_A \cdot \tilde{\bm z}

Symbolic model

Now we can plot the graphs using a symbolic θ2\theta_2

syms theta2 real

X = R_x(-theta1)*R_z(theta2)*eye(3);
eex = X(:,1); eey = X(:,2); eez = X(:,3);

AB = eez*L_AB;
BC = eex*L_BC;
CD = eex*70 + eez*40;

OD = OA + AB + BC + CD;
AD = OD - OA;
DE = OE - OD;

AG = 34*eex + 51*eez;
OG = OA + AG;

L = norm(DE);
eDE = DE/L;

L0 = 120;
F = k*(L-L0);
FF = F*eDE;

W = [0; 0; -0.15*9.82];

xlabel('\theta [deg]')
ylabel('L [mm]')
xlabel('\theta [deg]')
ylabel('F [N]')
M_A = cross(AD, FF) + cross(AG, W);

eAB = eez;

M_AB = dot(M_A, eAB)/1000;
xlabel('\theta [deg]')
ylabel('M [Nm]')

Zooming in at the force graph, we learn that the minimum force and length of the spring occurs at 2626^\circ.

The maximum moment occurs at around 78-78^\circ. The moment is zero around 29.529.5^\circ.

Rotating around a local axis

Another approach to rotating the coordinate system is to rotate around a local coordinate system. This makes the modeling and thinking easier. One does not need to be confined to thinking about rotations around global coordinates.

This can be done by rotating the zz-rotation matrix, Rz\bm R_z around the xx-axis by:

Rz~(θ2)=Rx(θ1)Rz(θ2) \bm R_{\tilde z}(\theta_2) = \bm R_x(\theta_1) \bm R_z(\theta_2)

This rotation matrix rotates vectors around the z~\tilde z axis. This approach still relies on defining the rotation matrix by rotating it around global axis. The order of rotations is important, thus chaining rotations can become tedious.

It would be nicer to have a function that lets us rotate around a arbitrary vector u\bm u. To achieve this we visit our favorite source of goodyness, Wikipedia, and find that the very elegant way of rotating a vector v\bm v around an axis u\bm u by an angle θ\theta according to the right-hand rule is stated as

Ruv=u  (uv)+cosθ(u×v)×u+sinθ(u×v){\bm R}_u \bm v=\bm u\;\left(\bm u\cdot \bm v\right)+\cos \theta \left(\bm u\times \bm v\right)\times u+\sin \theta \left(\bm u\times \bm v\right)

which we can write in matlab as

Ruv = @(a,u,v) u*dot(u,v) + cross(cosd(a)*cross(u,v), u) + sind(a)*cross(u,v);

We can test this by rotating the xx-axis 90 degrees around and zz-axis, we expect the resulting vector to be [0,1,0]T{\left\lbrack 0,1,0\right\rbrack }^T

ans = 3x1    

Now we can repeat the definitions of the points from the example above using the new rotation tool.

OA = [30, 60, 75]';    % mm
OE = [175, 105, 15]';  % mm
L_AB = 65;             % mm
L_BC = 50;             % mm
k = 0.2;               % N/mm
L0 = 120;              % mm
theta1 = 35;           % deg
theta2 = 26;           % deg

We formulate the direction eAB\bm e_{AB} by rotating the zz -axis around the xx -axis.

eAB = Ruv(-theta1, [1,0,0]', [0,0,1]')
eez = eAB;
eAB = 3x1    

Ok, nothing new, hardly easier than using standard rotation matrices. But now we can rotate around eAB\bm e_{AB}

eex = Ruv(theta2, eAB, [1,0,0]')
eex = 3x1    

AB = eez*L_AB;
BC = eex*L_BC;
CD = eex*70 + eez*40;

OD = OA + AB + BC + CD;
AD = OD - OA;
DE = OE - OD;

AG = 34*eex + 51*eez;
OG = OA + AG;

% Visualization
close all
axis equal; hold on;
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');

hp1 = plot3([OA(1), OB(1)], ...
            [OA(2), OB(2)], ...
            [OA(3), OB(3)], '-k', 'LineWidth',2);
htA = text(OA(1), OA(2), OA(3), 'A');
htB = text(OB(1), OB(2), OB(3), 'B');

hp2 = plot3([OB(1), OC(1)], ...
            [OB(2), OC(2)], ...
            [OB(3), OC(3)], '-k', 'LineWidth',2);
htC = text(OC(1), OC(2), OC(3), 'C');

hp3 = plot3([OC(1), OD(1)], ...
            [OC(2), OD(2)], ...
            [OC(3), OD(3)], '-k', 'LineWidth',2);
htD = text(OD(1), OD(2), OD(3), 'D');

hp4 = plot3([OD(1), OE(1)], ...
            [OD(2), OE(2)], ...
            [OD(3), OE(3)], '-m', 'LineWidth',2);
htE = text(OE(1), OE(2), OE(3), 'E');

hp5 = plot3(OG(1), OG(2), OG(3), 'ok', 'MarkerFaceColor','k');


grid on
axis([0,200, -100, 250, 0, 250])
view(-69, 35)
view(40, 32)
htitel = title(sprintf('$\\theta=%d^\\circ$',theta2),'interpreter','latex');

3: We get the same geometry!