Table of contents

Check out the Efficient Engineer video on torsion here.


1: Consider a thin walled circular shaft under torsion. We want to find the relation between the applied Moment MM and the shear stress τ\tau.

The definition of thin wall is formally that t<<Rt << R. Also, it is assumed that τ\tau is constant in the radial direction. Taking a look at a small section of the cross-section we have


where dMdM is a infinitesimal moment and TT denotes the radial force, which is given by the shear stress and area

T=τdAT=\tau dA

If we take a closer look at the area, we can realize that it can be defined by the infinitesimal ange dφd\varphi as we "roll out" the small strip (valid if t << R)

dA=Rdφt dA = R d \varphi t

Then we have

dM=TR=dAτR=τtR2dφdM = TR = dA \tau R=\tau tR^2 d\varphi

the total moment is the sum of all infinitesimal moments

M=dM=02πτR2dφM=2πR2tτ \def\arraystretch{2.0} \begin{array}{l} M=\int dM =\int_0^{2\pi } \tau R^2 d\varphi \\ M=2\pi R^2 t\tau \end{array} τ=M2πR2t  [Nm2]\Rightarrow \tau =\dfrac{M}{2\pi R^2 t} \;\left\lbrack \dfrac{N}{ {\mathrm{m} }^2 }\right\rbrack

The denominator is known as the torsional resistance, WW.

τmax=MW \boxed{ \tau_{\max } =\dfrac{M}{W} }

For a solid section we have

W=πR32=πd316W=\dfrac{\pi R^3 }{2}=\dfrac{\pi d^3 }{16}

For a thick tube we have

W=π(R4r4)32R=π(D4d4)16DW=\dfrac{\pi \left(R^4 -r^4 \right)}{32R}=\dfrac{\pi \left(D^4 -d^4 \right)}{16D}

and since earlier, for a thin tube with a thickness of tt we have

W=2πR2tW=2\pi R^2 t

The shear stress τ\tau will vary linearly from zero at the center of the shaft to τmax\tau_{\max } at its outer surface, this can be expressed as

τ=ρRτmax\tau =\dfrac{\rho }{R}\tau_{\max }

The infinitesimal moment can also be given as the product of the moment-arm ρ\rho and the force

dM=ρτdA dM = \rho \tau dA

Thus the total moment is

M=ρτdA=ρρRτmaxdAM=\int \rho \tau dA=\int \rho \frac{\rho }{R}\tau_{\max } dA

Note that τmaxR\frac{\tau_{\max } }{R} is constant, so we can pull it out of the integral, and we get

M=τmaxRρ2dAM=\dfrac{\tau_{\max } }{R}\int \rho^2 dA

This integral is known as the polar moment of inertia.

J=ρ2dA\boxed{J=\int \rho^2 dA}

Which we can also use to compute the maximum torsional shear stress

τ=MρJτmax=MRJ\boxed{ \tau =\dfrac{M \rho }{J}\Rightarrow \tau_{\max } =\dfrac{MR}{J} }

So we see the relation between the polar moment of inertia JJ and the torsional resistance WW is given by


Angle of twist

2: Consider a circular shaft under torsion. We want to find the relation between the applied Moment MM and the angle of twist θ\theta.

For small angles we have the geometric relation

γdx=Rdθ\gamma dx = Rd \theta

If we assume that the material is linear elastic, Hooke's law holds and

τ=Gγ\tau =G\gamma

where GG is the shear modulus, and is either determined experimentally, or computed from the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. It can be shown that

G=E2(1+ν)G=\dfrac{E}{2\left(1+\nu \right)}

Thus we can get the relation between the twist angle and applied moment by adding up all small contributions

dθ=γRdx=τGRdxd\theta =\dfrac{\gamma }{R} dx = \dfrac{\tau }{GR } dx

we know that for a solid rod τ=2MπR3\tau =\frac{2M}{\pi R^3 }, so

dθ=2MπR41Gdxd\theta =\dfrac{2M}{\pi R^4 }\dfrac{1}{G} dx 0θdθ=0L2MπR41Gdx\Rightarrow \int_0^{\theta } d\theta =\int_0^L \dfrac{2M}{\pi R^4 }\dfrac{1}{G} dx =θ=LMGJ= \boxed{ \theta =\dfrac{LM}{GJ} }

GJGJ is known as the torsional rigidity. This assumes that everything is constant along the length of the rod. If something varies, then we need to integrate.

θ=0LM(x)G(x)J(x)dx\boxed{ \theta =\int_0^L \dfrac{M\left(x\right)}{G\left(x\right)J\left(x\right)} dx }
⚠ Note
Note that this relation is valid under small deformations and for circular cross sections. There are approximate formulas for torsional resistance (WW) in various sources (check the formulary for some examples). A far more accurate method is to utilize Finite Element Analysis for more complex cross sections to determine stresses and displacements.