Table of contents

The Rod Problem - a second order boundary value problem

1: An elastic rod with a constant cross sectional area AA under tension. An cut section can be seen in b), from which we can formulate equilibrium equations.

Figure 1 shows a model of an elastic rod with a constant cross sectional area, A [mm2]A\text{ [mm}^{2}\text{]}, exposed to a boundary force F [N]F\text{ [N]} at the far end of the rod at the length L [mm]L\text{ [mm]}, as well as a body load f(x)[N/mm]f(x)\text{[N/mm]} acting along the entirety of the rod. The body load can be seen as a gravitational force.

Problem definition

The problem is to derive an expression for the displacement, uu, at every point xx with respect to the load case, which in this case consists of the two boundary values: u(0)=0u(0)=0 as well as the load FF at x=Lx=L.


We shall begin by examining an infinitesimal element, a cut of size Δx\Delta x, of the rod at an arbitrary location xx, see the figure below

2: Displacements at the infinitesimal element

Force equilibrium at xx along the rod yields:

: N(x+Δx)N(x)+xx+Δxf(ξ)dξ=0\downarrow:\ N(x+\Delta x)-N(x)+\int_{x}^{x+\Delta x}f(\xi)d\xi=0

where NN denotes the normal force and the third term is the body load summed up over the length of the infinitesimal element. Note that at the boundary x=Lx=L we have N(L)=FN(L)=F. If we now let Δx0\Delta x \rightarrow 0 then naturally xx+Δxf(ξ)dξf(x)\int_{x}^{x+\Delta x}f(\xi)d\xi\rightarrow f(x) and using the definition of the derivative we get

limΔx0N(x+Δx)N(x)Δx=f(x)\lim_{\Delta x \rightarrow 0}\dfrac{N(x+\Delta x)-N(x)}{\Delta x}=f(x)

which leads to the point-wise equilibrium equation

dNdx=fEquilibrium relation\boxed{-\dfrac{dN}{dx}=f}\quad{\text{Equilibrium relation}}

The relation between forces and stresses assumes a constant cross-sectional area:

N=σA\boxed{N=\sigma A}

where σ\sigma denotes the stress with a unit of MPa or N/mm2\text{N/mm}^{2}.

The relation between the stress and the strain is assumed to be linear, hence Hooke's law is used to describe it

σ=EεConstitutive relation\boxed{\sigma=E\varepsilon}\quad{\text{Constitutive relation}}

The strain is assumed to be small such that it can be defined as

ε:=elongationoriginal length\varepsilon:=\dfrac{\text{elongation}}{\text{original length}}

(this is also know as the small strain assumption) and with the displacements in our infinitesimal element this becomes

ε:=limΔx0u(x+Δx)u(x)Δxε=du(x)dxGeometric relation\varepsilon:=\lim_{\Delta x\rightarrow0}\dfrac{u(x+\Delta x)-u(x)}{\Delta x}\rightarrow\boxed{\varepsilon=\dfrac{du(x)}{dx}}\quad{\text{Geometric relation}}

Now we insert (7) into (5) and the result into (4) and (3) and we get the point-wise equilibrium ordinary differential equation

(BVP){ddx(EAdudx)=ffor x[0,L]Differential Equationu(0)=0Essential boundary conditionEAdudx(L)=FNatural (or Force) boundary condition\boxed{\text{(BVP)}\begin{cases} -\dfrac{d}{dx}\left(EA\dfrac{du}{dx}\right)=f\quad\text{for }x\in[0,L] & \text{Differential Equation}\\ u(0)=0 & \text{Essential boundary condition}\\ EA\dfrac{du}{dx}(L)=F & \text{Natural (or Force) boundary condition} \end{cases}}

We can set the body load f(x)f(x) to be the point-wise gravity, i.e., f(x)=ρgf(x) = \rho g. This BVP can be easily solved in Matlab as follows:

syms rho g u(x) E A L F
f = rho*g;
du = diff(u);
DE = -diff(E*A*du) == f
BC = [u(0) == 0; E*A*du(L) == F]

u = dsolve(DE,BC)
u = expand(u)
u(x)=(F+ρgL)xEAρgx22EA u(x)=\dfrac{(F+\rho gL)x}{EA}-\dfrac{\rho gx^{2}}{2EA}

and with x=Lx=L we get

x = L;
u(L)=δ=FLEA+L2gρ2EA u(L) = \delta = \dfrac{FL}{EA}+\dfrac{L^{2}g\rho}{2EA}
⚠ Note

Setting f(x)=0f(x) = 0 leads to the linear relation we know from earlier.

u(L)=δ=FLEA u(L) = \delta = \dfrac{FL}{EA}